Bakery Hill Urban Renewal Plan

The Bakery Hill and Bridge Mall Urban Renewal Plan (the Plan) was adopted by the Council in October 2019. This page contains the adopted plan and all supporting documents and community feedback.

The Plan was prepared in a collaborative manner with a range of technical and community stakeholders, adopting the HUL (UNESCO Heritage Urban Landscape) methodology. A staged approach was adopted, with regular involvement of the community, traders and technical stakeholders.

The process involved three key phases, with the following stakeholders involved throughout:

* City of Ballarat

* Community Reference Group (CRG) - comprising local architects, traders, local residents from different walks of life, as well as representatives from the Bridge Mall Trader's Association, Victoria Police, and Federation University.

* Local community - traders, landowners, residents

* Broader community

* Victorian Planning Authority

* Project consultants

During the information gathering and analysis phase, an Enquiry by Design workshop was held, which provided technical and community stakeholders the space to explore the historical and current features of the Precinct, using the HUL layers analysis methodology. The outputs of this phase resulted in preparation of a number of background reports (see Document Library) that explored key areas of investigation and opportunity.

During this phase, broader community was also undertaken, which sought feedback in relation to emerging principles, key targets and the general approach toward renewal of Bakery Hill.

Consultation Responses

Consultation responses that were gathered during the process were used in conjunction with the background analysis, to inform preparation of the Urban Renewal Plan and identification of the potential key projects.

A variety of feedback was received through face to face forums, online engagement tools, pop-up-shop and CRG meetings.

Background Paper 4: Community Engagement Report provides a summary of the previous consultation processes.

The key themes that are identified following review of the feedback were:

A strong appetite for change within the Precinct

These is a strong desire for change and improvement within the Precinct including the need for more eating and dining areas to encourage foot traffic and to create a night time economy, which in turn will create increased levels of safety throughout the Precinct. Furthermore, public and active transport options need to be addressed within the Precinct to provide opportunity for higher density residential development within the Precinct.

A stronger connection and celebration to the Precinct's history and story

Re-establishing a relationship with the Yarrowee River and linking this to Ballarat's Indigenous heritage along with the restoration and maintenance of Ballarat's celebrated historical buildings and architecture within the Precinct.

The Bridge Mall needs to be returned to its role as a key destination within Ballarat's CBD

A more diverse retail mix is needed to offer a point of difference to enclosed shopping centres (Wendouree Village, Central Square) and surrounding big box retailers. This would allow opportunity for more independent shops for Ballarat's creative community. The Precinct also presents an opportunity to facilitate inclusive public open space and greening.

Facilitating movement within the Bridge Mall itself

The potential of opening the Bridge Mall to slow moving one or two-way car traffic, creating passive surveillance and incidental exposure to Bridge Mall's shops.


The Bakery Hill Urban Renewal Plan is structured in 5 parts.

Part 1 - Introduction

Outlines why we need to renew Bakery Hill, how we have prepared the Plan, and what is needed for the Plan to succeed.

Part 2 - Bakery Hill's potential for renewal

Tells the story of Bakery Hill, starting with the Precinct's history, its current challenges and opportunities, as well as its potential as a thriving, connected and distinctive local neighbourhood in the future.

Part 3 - The Plan

Sets out:


A big picture statement for the desired future state of Bakery Hill. The vision is expressed in terms of three integrating themes - "Connected, Thriving and Distinctive"

Integrating Themes

Connected, Thriving and Distinctive emerged throughout the project as individually important aspirations for Bakery Hill. When integrated, the themes evocatively express an holistic vision for the Bakery Hill Precinct. These themes have been used to broadly structure the objectives, initiatives and actions that will achieve the vision. However, it is important that they are read together to appreciate how elements overlap and link together.


High level objective are defined for each integrating theme. These objectives are aspirational statements - what we want Bakery Hill to be in the future.


Broad initiatives have been identified as positive interventions that can renew Bakery Hill. An initiative is a first step, or a catalyst toward achieving the desired vision - and not an end result. Each initiative will need to be 'activated' by stakeholders (the actions).

Targets for 2050

The key measurables we will use to check that we are on the right track.

Part 4 - Key Projects

Identifies an initial set of projects from the Plan to get started.

These projects have been identified as having potential to encourage positive change in the Precinct. They are presented as ideas only; to initiate a conversation within the community about the suitability of the priority action list and the possibilities for renewal.

Part 5 - Making it happen and checking it works

Provides a clear action plan for Council and the community to follow. The actions identified are next steps that will give life to the initiatives. Actions may be future projects, desired partnerships or investment directions. Some actions will require physical changes to the Precinct - changes you will be able to see. Other actions will be less visible, but are just as important; for example, actions focused on strengthening community involvement in the Precinct. All actions will require active community participation in order to succeed.

Actions are generally categorised in the following classes that represent the integrated approach to urban renewal:

Economic Development

For example, working with businesses, programming and promotion of Bakery Hill.

Physical Works

For example, structural, interventions, public realm works, developments etc. Includes planning, design and engagement associated with works. Works may be undertaken by government or private entities.

Planning and Policy

For example, changes to planning schemes, development of policy etc

Partnership and Advocacy

For example, establishing groups, partnerships and alliances within the community and government.

The intention is to ensure there is alignment on the collective actions that need to be pursued to successfully renew Bakery Hill. The measures of success (including the targets for 2050), are metrics that will be used to track progress, to determine if the plan is working.

Have Your Say

The Bakery Hill Urban Renewal Plan survey has now concluded

The Bakery Hill and Bridge Mall Precinct Response to Feedback survey has now concluded

Interactive Map