Your health and wellbeing is important to us
The City of Ballarat in partnership with Ballarat Community Health are committed to supporting the health and wellbeing of all community members. Ballarat Aquatic and Lifestyle Centre (BALC) is visited by approximately 2000 people every day. It is important that we provide a facility that enables community members to be healthy in a variety of ways.
Together with Float cafe, we are looking at the current food and drink options available at the cafe and would like to hear what you think. We value feedback from everyone, whether you are currently purchasing food and drink from the cafe or not.
To have your say, please complete the survey below.
Common themes in survey findings will be used to inform any changes rather than individual dietary requests.
What we've heard
Thank you to everyone who completed the recent survey regarding the food and drink options available at Float Cafe at BALC. Here's what we heard and our areas for future focus.