Planning Scheme Amendment (C243ball Part 1)


The Bridge Mall and Bakery Hill Precinct (HO176) heritage review was undertaken to ensure that the heritage provisions within the Ballarat Planning Scheme are up to date and fit for purpose, and to ensure that heritage buildings are accurately described and protected through the Ballarat Planning Scheme.

Heritage Review (Landmark Heritage)

As part of this review, the City of Ballarat have also engaged heritage consultants to review current heritage provisions under the Heritage Overlay (HO176) within the Ballarat Planning Scheme to ensure that new development respects and enhances the heritage character of the Bridge Mall and Bakery Hill Precinct.

Key outcomes of the Heritage Review:

  • A review of the gradings of all buildings within the HO176 Precinct; and
  • A more accurate description of the place and how all buildings contribute to the heritage character of the precinct.

As a result, an updated Heritage Citation and Statement of Significance have been developed for the Bridge Mall Precinct which is covered by Heritage Overlay (HO176). These documents detail the history of the precinct and what is important today in terms of its heritage character and fabric.

Exhibition of Amendment C243ball Bridge Mall Built Form Review (original amendment)

Amendment C243ball originally proposed to replace Schedule 1 to the Design and Development Overlay with a new schedule that would provide improved guidance for future buildings (heights) and to facilitate development outcomes in accordance with current planning scheme policies and adopted City of Ballarat strategies that seek to accommodate increased population and density, in addition to jobs within the Ballarat CBD.

The Amendment also proposed to insert a new incorporated document into the Ballarat Planning Scheme as a new heritage “statement of significance” for the Bridge Mall Heritage Overlay Precinct (HO176).

The Amendment was prepared under section 12 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. Public exhibition occurred from Thursday 1 February 2024 – Friday 1 March 2024.

Splitting of Amendment C243ball into two parts (Part 1 & Part 2)

Following formal exhibition of Amendment C243ball in February to March 2024, Council resolved to split Amendment C243ball into two parts. This decision followed discussions with the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) and Corangamite Catchment Management Authority (CCMA) about the risk associated with new development in flood risk areas without the application of flood overlays to manage the risk.

Further strategic work is currently underway on the 11 Waterways Flood Study that will eventually result in flood overlays to affected areas through the Ballarat Planning Scheme.

What the amendment does (Amendment C243ball Part 1)

The Amendment seeks to amend the Heritage Overlay (HO176) which applies to the Bridge Mall and Bakery Hill Precinct. The Amendment would change the boundary of the overlay, update the precinct’s Statement of Significance and Heritage Citation and revise heritage gradings to reflect a contemporary system of grading set out in Planning Practice Note 1: Applying the Heritage Overlay (PPN01).

The Explanatory Report provides a comprehensive explanation of what the amendment does and how it is supported by state planning policy within the Planning Policy Framework of the Ballarat Planning Scheme.

Bridge Mall Precinct (HO176)

Next Steps

A Planning Panel was held at the Ballarat Town Hall on 14 October, 2024. Subsequently, the panel report has been received by Council and is available for viewing. In summary, the planning panel supported Amendment C243ball Part 1 subject to some minor word changes within the heritage Statement of Significance. The overall gradings of all buildings within the precinct was supported.

A report will be presented at Council's Planning Delegated Committee meeting on 12 March 2025. Submitters to the amendment (and the general public) are welcome to attend. It will be recommended that Council (Planning Delegated Committee) adopts the amendment as recommended by the planning panel, and submits to the Minister for Planning for approval.

Planning Panels are an independent process (administered by the state government) where all submitters may expand on their written submission should they wish to do so. The Planning Panel reviews all written submissions made during the exhibition stage.