On 13 May 2015, Ballarat City Council formally considered its Draft 2015/16 Budget, Council Plan and Strategic Resource Plan. The following information is provided in respect of this Public Notice: Council will meet to adopt its 2015/16 Budget, Council Plan and Strategic Resource Plan, at the Town Hall, Ballarat at 7pm on 24 June 2015. Copies of the Proposed 2015/2016 Budget, Strategic Resource Plan and Council Plan 2013-2017 are available for inspection from Monday 18 May 2015, at the Town Hall; The Phoenix and at www.ballarat.vic.gov.au
Submissions: Written submissions about the Proposed Budget, the pensioner rate rebate proposal, Council Plan and the Strategic Resource Plan will be considered in accordance with section 223 of the Local Government Act 1989 (“the Act”). Submissions must be received at Ballarat Town Hall, Sturt Street, Ballarat 3350 by 9am, Monday 15 June 2015. Submissions can be emailed to glennkallio@ballarat.vic.gov.au or mailed to Mr Glenn Kallio, Chief Financial Officer, PO Box 655 Ballarat, Victoria, 3353. Any person who wishes to be heard in support of their written submission must request this in their submission. Such persons will be entitled to appear in person or by a person acting on his or her behalf before the Council meeting where submissions will be heard. A Special Committee Meeting to be held on Wednesday 17 June 2015 at 7pm at the Ballarat Town Hall.
Anthony Schinck
Chief Executive