On 26 January 2024, the following activities and events were held in the community:

- Survival Day Dawn Ceremony, followed by family activities throughout the day.

- Citizenship Ceremony

- Australia Day Picnic in the Park

The City of Ballarat would like to hear from the community about what future activities and events they would like to attend on 26 January.

In considering activities and events on 26 January, it is important to note:

- The date of the Australia Day public holiday is a set as a National holiday by the Commonwealth. Changing the date of the public holiday is not something that Council has the ability to change.

- At an ordinary Council meeting on Wednesday 28 February, Ballarat City Councillors resolved to schedule the annual fireworks display on New Years Eve.

How can you provide your feedback?

Take the Survey

Fill out the short survey below to tell us what future activities and events you would like to attend on 26 January.