Victorian Councils are required to prepare a 10-year Financial Plan as part of the Integrated Strategic and Reporting Framework (ISPF) and in accordance with Section 91 of the Local Government Act 2020. The City of Ballarat has prepared its Draft 10-year Financial Plan and is now seeking written submissions from members of the public.
Written submissions may be made, addressed to the Director Corporate Services, by either:
- Using the 'Make a Submission' form at the bottom of this page,
- Via mail, sent to PO Box 655, Ballarat Vic 3353, or
- Email to
and clearly marked "10-year Financial Plan".
Please advise in your submission if you wish to support your submission in person at the Council Meeting.
Submissions must be received before 9.00am Monday 13 September 2021.
Council will consider all submissions regarding this matter at an Unscheduled Meeting of Council to be held at 6.30pm, Wednesday 15 September in the Council Chamber, Town Hall.