A tree replacement program at Lake Wendouree will commence in November this year.
The Lake Wendouree precinct is home to around 1,300 trees. Approximately 58 of these trees are between 50 and more than 100 years old and are nearing the end of their life.
Over the coming years, these trees will be replaced with three trees for every one removed.
In the first year of the program, commencing in November in 2015, 28 trees will be removed and replaced with new trees.
We will be replacing the trees with species including:
Kauri Pine, Bhutan Cypress, Aleppo Pine, Western Yellow Pine, Monterey Pine,Black Pine,Swamp Cypress,Pin Oak,English Oak,Engelmann Oak,Turkey Oak,Algerian Oak,Daimyo Oak,Indian Cedar,Atlantic Cedar,Hoop Pine,Norfolk Island Pine,Sensation Maple,Cimmaron Ash,Sweet Gum,Dutch Elm,Japanese Zelkova,Spotted Gum,Snow Gum,River Red Gum, Ironbark, Yarra Gum,Swamp Gum,Canadian Poplar,Golden Poplar
Residents wanting more information about which trees are being replaced and would like to provide feedback on which species that would prefer are encouraged to download the tree species list in the documents section of this page (includes photos) and fill in the survey/feedback form below.