The City of Ballarat is developing a new Open Space Strategy that will guide the management and development of public parks, reserves and outside places for the next ten years.

Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback in the Visioning or first stage of engagement on the Open Space Strategy. The focus of this stage was to understand how you use open space, what are your key priorities for open space and identifying some potential risks to open space.

We had an amazing response, with over 700 people providing feedback into the process.

We are currently analysing the feedback and will use the information that you gave us to develop a draft of the Open Space Strategy. Once we have a draft, we will present it to the community and hold focused co-design and conversation sessions on the key issues you've identified. This will be the 'Key Themes Engagement' noted in the Project Lifecycle (Timeline).

We anticipate that the Key Themes Engagement will take place in March/April 2024. We will post the results of the Visioning engagement shortly, once the analysis is complete.

If you would like to be informed of the progress on this project, please check back here or sign up at the 'Stay Informed' widget on this page.

An Open Space Strategy is important because it provides guidance for the City of Ballarat on a number of issues including how developers can contribute to improving open space, what types of parks are where in the city, what activities and equipment are in each type of park and how we being outside equitable for everyone.

It can answer questions like:

How to have your say

The initial stage, Visioning, of engagement closed on 15 January 2024.

Future stages will take place in approximately March/April 2024. This stage of engagement will involve a chance to see how your feedback has been incorporated into a draft of the Open Space Strategy and the opportunity to participate in a collaborative conversation on some of the key issues you identified in the Visioning engagement. These key issues will be developed from the feedback from the Visioning engagement.

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Stay in Touch

Register your interest by entering your email address in the 'Stay Informed' section

In early 2024, we will reach out to you again and ask you to go deeper into some things you told us.

We will hold workshops and conversations about key issues, concerns and opportunities. If you think you might like to get involved in these conversations, please sign up using the button here or the link on the side of the page.

We respect you.

Being outside is something that most of us have in common.

Let's work together to make it better for everyone.

We respect our First Nations People - the Wadawurrung and Dja Dja Wurrung. We recognise the voices of our culturally and linguistically diverse peoples.

We welcome the voices of our LGBTIQA+ communities, and people of all genders and identities.

We recognise that your creatures are important. They have a voice too. We are age friendly and welcome your stories and enthusiasm. We will be inclusive and make spaces for all abilities.




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Alison Breach

Landscape Architect

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