The City of Ballarat is developing a new Open Space Strategy that will guide the management of parks, reserves and green spaces for the next 10 years.

The City of Ballarat is developing a new Open Space Strategy to guide the improvement, acquisition and development of open spaces, parks and reserves across the municipality. The Strategy will set out principles, priorities and actions that will help to inform Council’s decision making processes, future investment and development contributions. The Open Space Strategy 2024 will replace and supersede the current Open Space Strategy which has been in place since 2008.

In December 2023 - January 2024, we reached out to the community to ask what open space meant to you. The response was overwhelming, with over 900 responses to the survey, map and ideas board.

There were some very clear directions across all forms of engagement that will be directly included into the developing Open Space Strategy.

Key Findings from Visioning Engagement

There was consensus about the key issues that are important to you with respect to Ballarat's open spaces. These key findings represent what most respondants held in common.

Key thematic areas that arose out of Visioning Engagement.

Results of the Visioning Engagement

The results of the Visioning Engagement have been analyzed and summarized in the Visioning Engagement Report linked from this page. To see some of the high level findings please click on the drop downs below.

Get involved in focus groups

While there is a lot we agree on, there are some topics that need further discussion. We want to do a deep dive into these issues with a series of focus groups. Each focus group represents a topic that is important to the community, but for different and sometimes conflicting reasons.

Focus groups will be a facilitated conversation lasting one hour. Each topic has an equivalent online and in person session. Each session is limited to 10 people to provide the opportunity for an in-depth discussion.

  • Online sessions will be held on MS Teams. A link will be emailed to you when you register.
  • In person sessions will be held at the new Ballarat Library located at 178 Doveton Street, Ballarat Central.

Click the drop down below to see the dates and times for the focus group sessions.

Use the form below to register for a focus group.

If none of the times identified suit your schedule, but you want to participate, please get in touch. We can also come to and chat with your group. Reach out if you're interested in setting up a personalised session.

Conversation will focus on expectations around play, types of play, play equipment, accessible play and making play challenging while managing risk.

ONLINE - 13 June from 10:00am - 11:00am

In Person - 11 June from 10:00am-11:00am at Ballarat Library (178 Doveton Street, Ballarat Central).

Discussion will focus on the infrastructure that divides us and brainstorm better ways to use it. Conversation will touch on lights, fences, toilets, bins and more.

ONLINE - 10 June from 11:30am - 12:30pm

In Person - 11 June from 11:30am - 12:30pm at Ballarat Library (178 Doveton Street, Ballarat Central)

Discussion about dogs and how we manage them in Open Spaces to make everyone feel safe and welcome. This topic will discuss dog off lead areas, effective control, dog parks and dog poo.

ONLINE - 13 June from 3:00 - 4:00pm.

In Person - 11 June at 1:30-2:30pm at Ballarat Library (178 Doveton Street, Ballarat Central).

Discussion about how to make open spaces accessible and welcoming for everyone. This topic includes physical accessibility, design for neurodiversity, inclusive design and how to make everyone feel welcome in their parks.

ONLINE - 13 June at 11:30am-12:30pm

In Person - 11 June from 3:00 - 4:00pm at Ballarat Library (178 Doveton Street, Ballarat Central).

How do we prioritise where Ballarat invests? What should a base level of service provision include? What should be the focus for a 10 year works plan?

ONLINE - 10 June from 11:00 - 11:00am

In Person - 12 June from 10:00a - 11:00am at Ballarat Library (178 Doveton Street, Ballarat Central).

Where should priority be placed for walking and cycling connections?

How should we roll out implementing a more connected city?

ONLINE - 10 June from 1:30 - 2:30pm

In Person - 12 June from 11:30am - 12:30pm at Ballarat Library (178 Doveton Street, Ballarat Central)

Ballarat is growing. What guidelines should be in place to improve the way we grow and make better open spaces in new growth areas?

ONLINE - 10 June from 3:00 - 4:00pm

In Person - 12 June from 1:30 - 2:30pm at Ballarat Library (178 Doveton Street, Ballarat Central)

How and where should biodiversity improvements, urban habitat and increased green spaces be rolled out in Ballarat's open space network?

What does improved biodiversity look like?

ONLINE - 13 June from 1:00 - 2:00pm

In Person - 12 June from 3:00 - 4:00pm at Ballarat Library (178 Doveton St, Ballarat Central)



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Alison Breach

Landscape Architect

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