Council has undertaken a solar sensor light trial at MR Power Park Dog Park entrance. The goal of the trial was to test the functionality of the lights and to understand the community's opinion of the devices before implementing them in other reserves.

The survey was undertaken across late 2021 and early 2022 and has now concluded.

Thank you to all who shared your thoughts as part of the trial. The results showed that 90% of respondents were supportive of the lights and reported enjoying the functionality of the lights. Some respondents reported that they would like to see additional lights put in within the dog park, elsewhere within MR Power Park and at other dog parks. Others commented on the hours of operation and light output. This information is very helpful as the lights are fully adjustable so they can be set to come on earlier in winter in line with the availability of natural light.

Given the success of the trial, the lights at MR Power Park will be retained in this location and the hours adjusted as necessary to suite the season. Additional lights will be further considered in other locations both within Mr Power Park and at other appropriate locations across Ballarat’s Parks and Reserves.


Let us know what you think

CLOSED: This survey has concluded.