
Community Road Safety Strategy

30 October 2015

City of Ballarat is committed to improving the safety of all road users. An update of the 2007‐2012 Community Road Safety

Strategy was due and this strategy has been developed as part of the SafeRoads initiative. The plan is consistent with the Victoria’s Road Safety Strategy and with the Safe System approach adopted by VicRoads This Community Road Safety Strategy identifies, addresses and prioritises key issues that have arisen from a review of the statistical data and stakeholder consultation with agencies such as Police, VicRoads and emergency services.

This plan draws data from an extensive range of sources, including:
  • Municipal demographics;
  • VicRoads CrashStats Data for the five year
  • period from 1 January 2010 to 31 December 014
  • VicRoads Road Safety Performance Information for Ballarat for the period January 2010 to December 2014;
  • Priority Routes and other pertinent City of Ballarat strategies;
  • Relevant Road Safety Strategies and guidance materials.

Is there a problem?
As outlined in Section 4: Victoria’s Road Safety Strategy identifies that road trauma costs the Victorian community over $3 billion each year. Previous road safety strategies have been successful in reducing the road toll, however the crash history demonstrates that there are still issues to be addressed.

  • On average one person was killed every 14 weeks on a road in Ballarat, over the five years from January 2010 to December 2014.
  • On average every 5 days someone was seriously injured,
  • Almost every day someone suffered injuries serious enough to require medical treatment.
  • 1650 people were injured in Ballarat between 2010 and 2014 inclusive, including 18 deaths and 369 serious injuries.
Public and stakeholder comment on the draft documents is invited prior to presentation to Council for adoption.

Download The Documents
Written feedback can be sent until 30 November 2015 to:


Traffic & Transport
City of Ballarat,
PO Box 655,
Ballarat, Victoria, 3353