
Public Toilet Planning Framework

4 November 2015

This Public Toilet Planning Framework is intended to provide a guide to assist with the decision making and implementation strategies for maintaining and upgrading public toilet facilities and infrastructure across the City of Ballarat for the next five years, based on an evidence approach. It also intends to provide a snap-shot of the City of Ballarat’s current public toilet facility stock, their location (mapped) and associated condition rating.

The City of Ballarat’s Public Toilet Planning Framework has been developed by:
  • reviewing policies and strategic directions of various City of Ballarat documents
  • reviewing demographic projections and growth areas of the municipality
  • assessing national and international public toilet trends
  • undertaking a spatial analysis of the distribution of public toilets
  • undertaking a community engagement process to identify gaps and opportunities
  • utilising best practice information to prepare design guidelines
  • benchmarking against other Local Government Authorities
  • undertaking a condition report of existing public toilets
The Planning Framework recommends:
  • the construction of nine new public toilets in key activity zones and growth areas
  • the renewal/upgrade of 24 public toilets
  • the replacement of five public toilets
  • the closure and demolition of two public toilet facilities poorly located and / or do not meet Disability
  • Discrimination Act requirements or safer by design principles
  • continued maintenance of all other existing public toilets
  • improved promotion and signage of existing toilets
  • review of opening hours and parking around public toilets
  • consideration of installation of child sized toilets in strategic locations
  • partnerships with local businesses to provide public toilets
A key component of the Planning Framework includes design considerations. It outlines basic toilet
configurations, and gives direction on specific design criteria to be implemented where the upgrade/renewal of an existing facility, or construction of a new facility, is being considered.
An Action Plan has also been developed to provide details and costings of all works identified in priority order.
Download The Framework
Written feedback can be sent until 18 DEcember 2015 to:


Facilities Management
City of Ballarat,
PO Box 655,
Ballarat, Victoria, 3353