Welcome to the City of Ballarat Waste and Environment Unit.
We have compiled a survey below, which will provide us with information about the way you reuse, recycle or dispose of unwanted items in your household. We have also asked for some information about your age, gender and background because it helps us to see if we have reached a broad section of the community. It also lets us check whether some groups have common responses.
About Us
The Waste and Environment team provides a number of essential services such as managing the Transfer Station and Landfill, kerbside waste, recycling and green waste collections, street sweeping and litter collection. We want to continue to improve our services that are provided to Ballarat residents and ensure the City is kept presentable and clean.
We want to hear about how you manage your waste, recycling and green waste whilst also providing insight about how you use the Ballarat Transfer Station (the tip). In particular, we would like to know if you DON'T use the Transfer Station, so that we can determine why that is, and work towards making it easier.
About our Services
The contents from your yellow lid recycling bin are collected from your kerbside and transported to a materials recovery facility where the items are separated for further processing and recycling.
Did you know?
You can recycle the following items in your household yellow-lid recycling bin
- Plastic Bottles and Containers from your kitchen, bathroom and laundry
- Paper
- Cardboard
- Aluminium Cans and trays
Bad recycle bin vs Good recycle bin
Green Waste
It’s Springtime, which means Ballarat is blossoming with beautiful flowers and plants. Your household green waste bin is suitable for all garden waste such as plants, grass clippings, small branches, flowers and weeds.
About the Transfer Station
The Ballarat Transfer Station is located at 119 Gillies Street Sth, Alfredton.
You can drop the following items off at the Ballarat Transfer station free of charge
- E-waste (computers, computer accessories, items with batteries/leads)
- Metal
- Paint
- Recycling items such as plastic bottles/containers and cardboard.
- Gas cylinders under 9kg
- Drum Muster chemical drums (drums must be triple rinsed)
- Household chemical products
- Batteries
- Fluorescent lights
- Household and motor oil
- Whitegoods (except fridges and air conditioners)
There is a Resale Shop at the Transfer Station, similar to an Op Shop, where you can drop unwanted furniture, bikes etc. which are then available for other residents to purchase
Clean green waste and timber are diverted through the Transfer station and processed into compost and mulch
There is a repair café in Ballarat that can fix your broken items - visit the website https://repaircafeballarat.com.au for more information.
For more information about the Transfer Station, click here.