The City of Ballarat's existing strategy was written prior to Victoria’s plan for a circular economy, Recycling Victoria: A New Economy Policy (released in February 2020).

The introduction of Recycling Victoria’s policy outlines a new four-stream waste and recycling system, a container deposit scheme, a stronger waste and recycling industry, and new recycling laws and governance. To achieve its targets, the City of Ballarat must make changes to its waste services to better support a circular economy.

Despite State Government direction on circular economy and waste (including kerbside collection), there is still a need for local Resource Recovery and Waste Management Strategy to cover other waste issues important to our community including:

  • Local waste reduction and diversion targets
  • Waste education
  • Council waste service offerings (including hard waste collections)
  • Litter and Illegal dumping

This survey will close on Friday 7 June 2024. All feedback will be reviewed with an updated Draft Strategy presented to Council and released for community consultation on 24 July 2024.