Council has developed a Draft Youth Strategy
The City of Ballarat has developed a draft Youth Strategy informed by youth co-designers and community engagement. We are seeking your feedback to understand if the strategy meets the needs of young people and the broader community.
What is a Youth Strategy?
The development of a new Youth Strategy will provide strategic direction and demonstrate the City of Ballarat’s ongoing commitment to improving the health and wellbeing outcomes for young people aged 12 - 25 years. The plan will identify and recognise the issue of importance to young people and identify the City of Ballarat’s role through a range of critical life transition periods and significant life experiences of the youth age cohort.
What do you think? Have your Say
The Draft Youth Strategy is available in the document folder on this page for community feedback.
Please take the time to review the document. We are interested to hear your thoughts on the strategy.
There are several ways you can provided feedback:
- Online - complete the survey below
- Make and individual or organisational submission by Email - send with a subject line 'Youth Strategy Submission' to
- Mail - post or deliver (at any customer service centre) to: Craig Donaldson, Coordinator Youth Services, City of Ballarat, PO Box 655, Ballarat Vic 3353.
Please include your contact details or organisational details if you wish for your submission to be acknowledged.
Feedback will be accepted up until 9am Monday 29 August.
We look forward to hearing your feedback on the Youth Strategy 2022 - 2026.
Submit your feedback here.
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Council will continue to work collaboratively with our team of Youth Co Designers to consider all constructive feedback when preparing the final version of the Youth Strategy. Your feedback will be used to inform changes to the document ahead of the adoption by Council at the October 2022 meeting. View the draft Youth Strategy in the Document Library on this page.