Exploring ways to improve the quality, safety and amenity of Macarthur Street (Creswick Road to Wendouree Parade) for people walking, scooting, pushing a pram and riding a bike. We need your insights to help develop the plans.

Despite having a generous road cross-section and being a dominant walking and riding access route to Lake Wendouree, Macarthur Street has a lack of dedicated safe crossing points for pedestrians, and a lack of separated bike lanes. It also has a relatively low tree canopy coverage compared to adjacent streets. Residents have commented that Macarthur Street is a preferred 'rat running' option through the area and have noted that cars will drive through at speeds higher than accepted.

This project addresses a key missing link between Routes 3 and 4 of the Ballarat Bicycle Network and is one of the final sections to be constructed of a dedicated walking and cycling link between Ballarat and Wendouree Stations - first consulted on by Regional Roads Victoria in 2022.

The proposed draft concept plans address known local issues raised by community and implement a range of adopted masterplans and strategies for Lake Wendouree, including the Cycling, Urban Forest and Active Ballarat strategies.

The Proposal

The northern side of Macarthur Street was selected for the path alignment given the infrequent access required by the cemetery. This alignment also minimised the impact on existing businesses on the south side which require frequent access. Between Wendouree Parade and Burnbank Streets an on-road protected bike path is proposed and between Burnbank Street and Creswick Road a shared path along the cemetery is proposed.

The draft concepts below show the intention to provide:

  • safe off-road riding between Creswick Rd and Wendouree Parade, linking to the existing shared user path to the west of Creswick Road and linking back to Ballarat Station.
  • raised shared user crossings for riders and walkers at Burnbank St and Wendouree Parade;
  • mid-section crossing points along Macarthur Street for pedestrian refuge;
  • removal of approximately twelve poorly performing Ash Trees along the north side and south side of the street;
  • new planting to include approximately fifty new large and small trees including central trees and under planting;
  • improved streetscape amenity for residents, riders and to moderate vehicular speeds; and
  • designated parking.

Refer to the overview plans below or to the Document library for a detailed set of draft concept plans.

Proposed improvements to this section of Macarthur Street is to be jointly funded by the Federal Government's 'Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program' and the City of Ballarat.