Best practice reviews have been completed for:

The reviews summarise general and specific feedback previously raised by community, and includes an independent review of walking and cycling conditions along these routes. Based on best practice principles, a range of design recomendations/opportunities have been suggested.

At this early stage we are seeking your feedback whether there are other issues that need to be addressed, and what ideas you may have to address them.

What we've heard so far

These locations have been identified as important locations to consider improvements to walking and cycling infrastructure.

In May 2024, site visits were conducted as part of the project. These visits involved both transport specialists and regular local users of the areas to gain insights into the user experience.

This existing body of knowledge has been considered as part of the early investigation stage of these projects. Some of the feedback is summarised below. Red bubbles correlate to the challenges and green to the opportunities.

comments from community
comments from community

Provide your feedback

This consultation relates to three different routes across Ballarat. Please review the relevant Issues and Opportunities Report within each tab and then provide your feedback.

Wendouree Parade

The Issues and Opportunities review of this link around Wendouree Parade is available here

Wendouree Parade

The adopted Lake Wendouree Masterplan describes the area as being integral to Ballarat’s identity and to the community’s health and wellbeing. The precinct is noted to provide a valuable natural environment and open space asset for the community’s daily use, whilst supporting a broad range of recreational and aquatic sports, major events, and tourist attractions in an important area of Ballarat’s heritage.

    Specifically related to accessibility, the Masterplan highlights the following as key principles:

    • Pedestrians and cyclists should be given priority above vehicles on the Lake foreshore

    • Paths should be safe, well connected and provide for a range of recreational uses including walking, running and low speed bicycles

    • Safe and well-located pedestrian and cycling connections should be provided between the Lake precinct and Victoria Park, Wendouree Railway Station, nearby schools and to designated bike routes.

    With specific regard to traffic management and car parking it highlights the following as key principles:

      • Wendouree Parade and its connecting streets should cater for easy and efficient movement of vehicles while being safe for pedestrians and cyclists

      • Car parking capacity should be flexible to adapt to the varying demands of the Lake precinct while having minimal impact on its environs

      • Additional or new permanent car parking should not be provided in the precinct where it results in the permanent loss of open space or parklands.

      This project seeks to identify practical opportunities to implement these components of the Masterplan, and support Wendouree Parade, and therefore Lake Wendouree Reserve, as a safer and more accessible place.

      Creswick Road

      The Issues and Opportunities Review of this link between Heinz Lane and Ballarat Station (via Creswick Road) is available here

      Creswick Road / Norman Street

      Creswick Road is a busy arterial route that forms part of the Midland Highway. It is the main vehicle route from the Western Freeway and already includes an off-road trail for part of its northern length and then quiet, tree-lined service roads for most of its remaining length to the CBD. This route is popular for walking, and parts of it are popular cycling routes - but it is discontinous by the nature of its current layout.

      This project seeks to identify practical opportunities to make this route safer and more convenient for riding a bike into and out of the CBD to the north.

      Lucas Link

      The Issues and Opportunities Review of this link between Gillies Street and Dyson Drive, Lucas (via service roads along Remembrance Drive) is available here

      Lucas Link - Existing Conditions

      The current off-road cycling path along Victoria Park currently terminates at Gillies Street. People riding a bike westward towards Lucas / Alfredton then have a discontinuous journey through the commercial area to Learmonth Street. Service Roads are available on both the north and south side of Remembrance Drive for riding in, but some sections are one-way which prevents legal riding as a safe and continuous journey.

      The scope of this project is to utilise the existing service roads wherever possible, considering safety improvement opportunities, improved crossings, speed management, wayfinding and other relatively straightforward interventions.