What we heard

There were many excellent contributions to the first round of consultation. We received 97 submissions that have informed the draft concept for Cardigan Village Reserve. Below is a summary of the key themes informing the new park design.

  • We love to play

    Provide a modern playground that caters for all ages and abilities.

  • We love to ride, especially our BMX's

    Develop a BMX track that caters for young and older children.

  • We want to expand the hard-court sports

    Use the hard court area for a range of sporting activities.

  • Walking paths

    Footpaths that connect to park entry points, that are low maintenance and create a continuous track. More seating around the park.

  • Everyone be included

    Provide opportunities for all people including older adults and teenagers to engage in physical activity at the park.

  • We want to green up things up at the reserve

    More shade options and improved maintenance to the reserve for year-round participation.

Cardigan Village Reserve - Draft Concept Plan

Cardigan Village Reserve - Draft Concept Plan

Click image to enlarge

Features of the draft concept plan include:

  • New play equipment

  • BMX track upgrade

  • Upgrade of the hard court area

  • Walking track with seating & exercise equipment

  • Upgrade open space

  • Field sport activities

  • Sensory garden

  • More picnic facilities

Things that aren't included

  • Skate park - this item is out of budget scope for this project.
  • Additional BBQ's - this item is out of budget scope for this project.
  • Lighting- this item is out of budget scope for this project.
  • Drinking Water Fountain- this item is out of budget scope for this project.