Council has developed a draft Masterplan for Marty Busch Reserve and we need your feedback.

The City of Ballarat has developed a new draft masterplan for Marty Busch Reserve in Sebastopol, and we need your feedback to understand if the proposal meets the needs of the reserve's diverse users. It's an important place for many people and we want to make sure we get it right. Once adopted by Council, the masterplan will be used to guide future works to the reserve.

Currently, Marty Busch Reserve is home to a number of formal sporting user groups including cricket, netball and cycling as well as being an event space and being accessible to the local community with spaces for passive recreation and play. Since mid-2021, Council has been working with user groups gathering ideas which have informed the draft.

Design Intent

The draft masterplan aims to consolidate existing and explore new recreation uses for Marty Busch Reserve. There are also several proposed improvements to safety and accessibility including separate and defined pedestrian and vehicle access.

Along with lighting, tree planting, playspace and boundary fence upgrades, a connection to the Yarrowee River and other landscape improvements, the masterplan aims to improve the use of Marty Busch by the local community. The masterplan will guide future funding and projects on the site.

What do you think? - Have your say

Please have a look at the masterplan document located in the document library on this page. The document contains an overall image, enlargements of key sections and analysis of how some of the proposed improvements function. The overall design is shown below.

We are keen to hear your thoughts on the draft masterplan. From now until 15 July 2022, we invite you to let us know what you think of the draft.

There are several ways you can get involved:

  • Make an individual, club or group submission by emailing Mitch at
  • Attend a Community Open House on Tuesday, 12 July from 4:00-7:00pm at the football pavilion
  • Complete a questionnaire located at the bottom of this page.

Draft masterplan for Marty Busch Reserve

What's new?

Some proposed new features include:

  • a new criterium cycling track
  • an upgraded second oval
  • formalisation of the practice pitch
  • improvements to the buildings and facilities
  • playspace and picnic facilities
  • public toilets
  • improved pedestrian access
  • circuit walking paths
  • lighting
  • fencing of the playspace and boundary
  • greening and tree planting.


Marty Busch Reserve Draft Masterplan - Have your say!

CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

We have received feedback on the draft masterplan for Marty Busch Reserve from sporting clubs, user groups and from the community via a drop-in session and online MySay surveys. The feedback will now be compiled and analysed in order to move towards finalising the master plan. This process will take approximately 3-4 weeks before the proposed final master plan is available for final comment.