The Wendouree Railway Station Precinct Master Plan is a long term plan to transform Wendouree Railway Station Precinct into a vibrant destination and transport hub. The master plan proposes improved connections, access, green space, provides an action plan for infrastructure upgrades, and facilitates the delivery of projects currently underway including track duplication and the addition of a second platform at the Wendouree Station and the re-opening of Gregory Street West.

Above: the Core precinct including improved access, green space and mixed use developments. Generally bounded by Learmonth Road, Gillies Street North and Gregory Street West

Below: Key principles for the development of the plan

View the Master Plan

The Master Plan proposes a new pedestrian plaza and bus interchange directly linking Gregory Street West to the station, and additional car parking. It also contains a staged approach to introduce new retail and commercial offerings to allow the Wendouree Station Precinct to function as both a transport hub and vibrant visitor destination.

Above: pedestrian plaza and bus interchange allowing for direct access from Gregory Street West

The master plan identifies a number of priority opportunities, including:

  • Improving the function, useability and appearance of the precinct
  • Improving access and movement for pedestrians, cyclists, vehicles and buses
  • Providing for an increasing number of people using the Wendouree Railway Station and surrounding precinct
  • Identifying development opportunities for the revitalisation of the precinct
  • Introduce a new pedestrian plaza allowing for direct access from Gregory Street West to Wendouree Station
  • Identify locations for future additional car parking
  • Introduce future retail, commercial and residential offerings
  • A new consolidated bus interchange which allows easy connections interchange with Wendouree Station
  • The re-opening of Gregory Street West will allow for improved access to expanding residential areas to Ballarat’s west including making provision for potential bus services
  • Long-term rail infrastructure requirements

The master plan is co-funded by the City of Ballarat and the Department of Transport.

Community consultation

A second round of community consultation was held in February 2019 on the Draft Master Plan. This included a drop-in session where interested community members could provide their feedback and speak to staff from the City of Ballarat, Transport for Victoria and Rail Projects Victoria. Over 100 responses were received during the consultation period, a summary of the second round of community consultation is available here.

The first round of community consultation was held in February 2018, which informed the development of the master plan. A summary of community consultation findings is available to download on the right hand side of this page under Documents.

Thanks to all who have provided their feedback.

Wendouree Railway Station Precinct

Explore the precinct by downloading the Precinct Map.

Council adoption of the Master Plan

Council formally adopted the Wendouree Railway Station Precinct Master Plan at an ordinary Council meeting on 2 October 2019. The master plan will become a Background Document in the Ballarat Planning Scheme to guide future development in the precinct. To commence implementation of the plan, a planning scheme amendment will change the planning controls on some sites in the precinct.

For more information see the City of Ballarat 2 October 2019 meeting agenda and minutes

Ballarat Line Upgrade - Rail Projects Victoria

The City of Ballarat is working with Rail Projects Victoria (RPV) on the delivery of the Ballarat Line Upgrade as part of the Regional Rail Revival.
RPV is currently constructing the upgrades at Wendouree Station including track duplication, a second platform and pedestrian overpass (see render images below). Works are estimated to be completed in late 2019.

For more information on the Ballarat Line Upgrade and works at Wendouree Railway Station visit

Car park upgrade

VicTrack has completed an expanded car park at Wendouree Railway Station adding 200 additional car spaces. Visit VicTrack to learn more about the project.